Photos by Clémence Polès
For this issue we were honored to invite the reader of WAIST into the home of Mina Alyeshmerni, owner of Maimoun, through the lens of Clémence Polès for an evening. What was captured in this issue is an event entitled Shabeh Sher or it's english translation "Night of Song". These events have become a tradition in Mina's home as a way to enjoy and support the artistic culture of Iran through holding a concert in the home for those to perform music, poetry, comedy, and story in front of an audience that grows each year. Below you will see exclusive photos of the event that took place <3
WAIST considers the ideas surrounding the female mid-section, both inside and out, exploring sex, movement, digestion and a woman’s GUT INSTINCT.
A visual love letter to the female creative community surrounding, WAIST includes commissioned works by Ophelia Mikkelson, Kayten Schmidt, Shana Chandra, Greta van der Star, Zsuzsanna Toth, Lucia Zolea and Su Wu.
WAIST is’s print project created by Yasmine Ganley and designed by Natasha Mead.